Syntax & Formulas
Get started with you first =ART() formula!
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Get started with you first =ART() formula!
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pulls the latest Bitcoin price
=ART("ETH", "MC")
pulls the latest Ethereum market cap
=ART("SOL", "TVL")
pulls the latest Solana TVL
=ART("SOL", "DAU")
pulls the latest Solana daily active address count
pulls the latest Polygon fees
=ART("BTC", "PRICE", "2022-10-10")
pulls the Bitcoin price on 2022-10-10
(midnight UTC time)
=ART("ETH", "MC", "2022-10-10")
pulls the Ethereum market cap on 2022-10-10
For performance reasons, if you're a large amount of historical data, we recommend using the ARTRANGE
function below.
This will also reduce the total number of calls that count towards your daily limit in Google Sheets.
=ARTRANGE("BTC", "PRICE", "2022-01-01", "2022-10-01")
pulls the Bitcoin price from 2022-01-01
to 2022-10-01
in ascending order
=ARTRANGE("BTC", "PRICE", "2022-01-01", "2022-10-01", "DESC")
pulls the Bitcoin price from 2022-10-01
to 2022-01-01
in descending order (so 2022-10-01
is on top).
"showDates" (
additional True / False parameter)
=ARTRANGE("BTC", "PRICE", "2022-01-01", "2022-10-01", "DESC", TRUE)
pulls the dates and the Bitcoin price from 2022-10-01
to 2022-01-01
in descending order (so 2022-10-01
is on top).
"hideWeekends" (
additional True / False parameter)
=ARTRANGE("BTC", "PRICE", "2022-01-01", "2022-10-01", "DESC", TRUE, TRUE)
pulls the dates and the Bitcoin price from 2022-10-01
to 2022-01-01
in descending order (so 2022-10-01
is on top) and hides the data fields that fall on weekend dates.
Use =ARTINFO function to get
a versatile range of information about assets, metrics, and their classifications.
=ARTINFO(parameter1, parameter2)
Use =ARTINFO() to get a list of all available parameters.
Parameter 1: Can be set to "ALL" or a specific asset symbol (like "BTC", "UNI", etc.).
Parameter 2: Varies based on Parameter 1. It can be "SYMBOLS", "TOP100-SYMBOLS", "METRICS", "ASSET-NAME", "CATEGORIES", "SUB-CATEGORIES", "COINGECKO-ID" or "MC-RANK".
When Parameter 1 is "ALL":
SYMBOLS: Returns every asset symbol along with its name.
TOP100-SYMBOLS: Retrieves the top 100 asset symbols by market capitalization, including their names.
METRICS: Provides every metric symbol and its corresponding description.
When Parameter 1 is a specific symbol (e.g., "UNI"):
ASSET-NAME: Returns the asset name associated with the given symbol.
CATEGORIES: Retrieves the category of the asset corresponding to the given symbol.
SUB-CATEGORIES: Provides the sub-category of the asset for the given symbol.
COINGECKO-ID: Returns the Coingecko id associated with the given symbol.
MC-RANK: Returns the current market cap rank of the given symbol.
returns every metric symbol and metric description
returns Uniswap
returns osmosis
=ARTRANGE(<cells containing symbols>,<cells containing metric names>,"DATE")
both support pulling multiple symbols, metrics, and dates all at once so you can fetch hundreds of datapoints in one go--this is great for keeping your spreadsheet performant.
(see a live example here)
(see a live example here)
(see a live example here)
NOTE: you can only pick 2 out of the 3 (symbol, metric, date) as a range of cells. Otherwise, the data output would be three-dimensional and would not output correctly in GSheet or Excel.
In case of duplicate symbols, use the Coingecko ID in ART formulas with the prefix CG-
pulls the DeGate (symbol: DG) price
pulls the Decentral Games (symbol: DG) price
The Coingecko ID can be found by using =ARTINFO("symbol", "COINGECKO-ID")
or in the Coingecko token page, in API id field.