Syntax & Formulas
Get started with you first =ART() formula!
Pulling Live Data
pulls the latest Bitcoin price=ART("ETH", "MC")
pulls the latest Ethereum market cap=ART("SOL", "TVL")
pulls the latest Solana TVL=ART("SOL", "DAU")
pulls the latest Solana daily active address count=ART("MATIC", "FEES")
pulls the latest Polygon fees
Pulling Historical Data
=ART("BTC", "PRICE", "2022-10-10")
pulls the Bitcoin price on2022-10-10
(midnight UTC time)=ART("ETH", "MC", "2022-10-10")
pulls the Ethereum market cap on2022-10-10
For performance reasons, if you're a large amount of historical data, we recommend using the ARTRANGE
function below.
This will also reduce the total number of calls that count towards your daily limit in Google Sheets.
Pulling a Range of Historical Data
=ARTRANGE("BTC", "PRICE", "2022-01-01", "2022-10-01")
pulls the Bitcoin price from2022-01-01
in ascending order
To pull in descending order, add the param "DESC"
=ARTRANGE("BTC", "PRICE", "2022-01-01", "2022-10-01", "DESC")
pulls the Bitcoin price from2022-10-01
in descending order (so2022-10-01
is on top).
To pull in the dates associated with time-series datasets, use the param "showDates" (
additional True / False parameter)
"showDates" (
additional True / False parameter)
=ARTRANGE("BTC", "PRICE", "2022-01-01", "2022-10-01", "DESC", TRUE)
pulls the dates and the Bitcoin price from2022-10-01
in descending order (so2022-10-01
is on top).
To hide data fields that fall on weekend dates, use the param "hideWeekends" (
additional True / False parameter)
"hideWeekends" (
additional True / False parameter)
=ARTRANGE("BTC", "PRICE", "2022-01-01", "2022-10-01", "DESC", TRUE, TRUE)
pulls the dates and the Bitcoin price from2022-10-01
in descending order (so2022-10-01
is on top) and hides the data fields that fall on weekend dates.
Use =ARTINFO function to get
a versatile range of information about assets, metrics, and their classifications.
=ARTINFO(parameter1, parameter2)
Use =ARTINFO() to get a list of all available parameters.
Parameter 1: Can be set to "ALL" or a specific asset symbol (like "BTC", "UNI", etc.).
Parameter 2: Varies based on Parameter 1. It can be "SYMBOLS", "TOP100-SYMBOLS", "METRICS", "ASSET-NAME", "CATEGORIES", "SUB-CATEGORIES", "COINGECKO-ID" or "MC-RANK".
When Parameter 1 is "ALL":
SYMBOLS: Returns every asset symbol along with its name.
TOP100-SYMBOLS: Retrieves the top 100 asset symbols by market capitalization, including their names.
METRICS: Provides every metric symbol and its corresponding description.
When Parameter 1 is a specific symbol (e.g., "UNI"):
ASSET-NAME: Returns the asset name associated with the given symbol.
CATEGORIES: Retrieves the category of the asset corresponding to the given symbol.
SUB-CATEGORIES: Provides the sub-category of the asset for the given symbol.
COINGECKO-ID: Returns the Coingecko id associated with the given symbol.
MC-RANK: Returns the current market cap rank of the given symbol.
returns every metric symbol and metric description=ARTINFO("UNI", "ASSET-NAME")
returns Uniswap=ARTINFO("OSMO", "COINGECKO-ID")
returns osmosis
Pulling Lots of Data
=ARTRANGE(<cells containing symbols>,<cells containing metric names>,"DATE")
both support pulling multiple symbols, metrics, and dates all at once so you can fetch hundreds of datapoints in one go--this is great for keeping your spreadsheet performant.
Pulling multiple symbols and metrics for a single date:
(see a live example here)=ART(B6:B10,C5:I5,B4)
Pulling multiple metrics and dates for a single symbol:
(see a live example here)=ART(B3,C5:I5,B43,B6,"DESC")
Pulling multiple symbols and dates for a single metric:
(see a live example here)=ART(C5:F5,B3,B43,B6,"DESC")
NOTE: you can only pick 2 out of the 3 (symbol, metric, date) as a range of cells. Otherwise, the data output would be three-dimensional and would not output correctly in GSheet or Excel.
Duplicate symbols
In case of duplicate symbols, use the Coingecko ID in ART formulas with the prefix CG-
pulls the DeGate (symbol: DG) price=ART("CG-DECENTRAL-GAMES", "PRICE")
pulls the Decentral Games (symbol: DG) price
The Coingecko ID can be found by using =ARTINFO("symbol", "COINGECKO-ID")
or in the Coingecko token page, in API id field.
Last updated